The Spirit of Tobacco

The Master of Master Plants

Tobacco Cleansings

Working with the Master of Master Plants

Tobacco is a Grandfather medicine, and is a native plant of the American continent, it has its origin in the Andes between Peru and Ecuador over 18,000 years ago. From there, it extends to the whole world.

Since ancient times it has always been a master plant, mother of the others. It is the one that helps the activation of other plants, enhancing and catalyzing their energy and opening the doors to the spirits of those plants. Tobacco is at the centre of the medicine wheel of other plants. 

Also as a medicine plant, this can be smoked, eaten, chewed, scattered, drunk, aspirated, inhaled and spread, according to their use. It was said that without tobacco, no plant can be used in many rites, they are mixed with other sacred plants to be able to access higher levels of consciousness, and stages in the dream and spiritual world. 

For example, you can smoke tobacco mixed with mint, and that will help calm down your mind. 

From a spiritual point of view, Tobacco is a plant used to move and clean the energies of bodies or places. Medicine Men and Women have used it for centuries to connect with the Great Spirit (The Great Creator) or their own spirits. To expand consciousness or master the mind. It is used to power the word, it is used in circles, smoked in a pipe or in a Puro. Tobacco works with Grandfather Fire, and that gives him the transmutation energy and his power. Through the sacred fire, Tobacco becomes the action of the spirits. 

Mark is currently being trained by a Mayan Tabaquero, and has been given the permission to work in this way to serve his community, as his progress continues he will be able to use Tobacco for divination and to provide answers to questions and problems that members of the community come to him with. 

A Tobacco cleansing involves the Tabaquero and the client. The Tabaquero teaches the client how to connect with the Spirit of Tobacco. The Tabaquero then begins to light the Puro and blow the smoke over the client and scan the body. Images will appear in the ashes of the Puro and the Tabaquero reads them for the client. 

Usually after a Tobacco cleansing the client can feel quite light headed, and a lot lighter. It is advised to ground yourself and drink some water afterwards until you feel more stabilized. If you are interested in a Tobacco cleansing and live in the Vancouver area, please reach out for a consultation with Mark. 

Read Mark's Book

"Dream Speak - Understanding The Hidden Language of Your Dreams," brings the basics of Jungian Dream Interpretation to the Lamen.  It lays out 

Four Step Process of Dream Interpretation
Learn the simple four step process to interpreting your dreams using the Jungian method.

Understand what archetypes are and how they operate within the unconscious.

Common Dreams
Learn common dream themes and understand how they fit into the interpretation.

Use exercises to uncover exactly what your unconscious is telling you.

